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Meet Our Conciliator's: Inner_about
Meet Our Conciliator's: Inner_about


Since 2000, Rob Cripps has been in full-time pastoral ministry as a Youth Pastor, Church Planter and Lead Pastor of a multi-site congregation. Rob successfully led The Summit Church and Westmount Park Church through a merger, which is now Capstone Community Bible Church where he has served since 2008. Rob has a Bachelor of Arts in Christian Studies from Briercrest Bible College, a Masters of Theology from McMaster Divinity College, and is currently working on his Doctorate of Practical Theology at McMaster Divinity College, with an
emphasis on ecclesial reconciliation. Rob is a sought after speaker and has spoken at a wide variety of seminars and conferences. After experiencing a church split early in ministry, Rob became passionate about reconciliation ministry. Rob is a 
Certified Christian Conciliator™ through the Institute for Christian Conciliation.™ In 2018, Rob co-founded Pathway Conciliation ( and is now ministering to families, churches and organizations through his conciliation ministry.


In 2007 Karen worked as a Regional Manager for a Christian international relief and development organization in Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America. Karen was invited to speak at numerous international conferences including the World Health Organization and the United Nations in New York. Through her international work Karen saw first hand the utter devastation that unresolved conflict has on nations, tribes, communities, families, and individuals sparking her desire to become a peacemaker. Upon returning to Canada Karen became a Certified Christian Conciliator™ through the Institute for Christian Conciliation™ and co-founded Pathway Conciliation. Karen holds a B.A., a Master's degree from Queen's University, and a PhD from York University. Karen's academic background, her extensive teaching, speaking, cross-cultural, and international experience have come together to uniquely equip Karen to to walk together with those who are experiencing conflict and to lead workshops on the transformative power of biblical peacemaking. 


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